Command Line AI (CLAI), and the NLC2CMD competition



  1. CLAI: A Platform for AI Skills on the Command Line
    Agarwal, Mayank, Barroso, Jorge J., Chakraborti, Tathagata, Dow, Eli M., Fadnis, Kshitij P., Godoy, Borja, and Talamadupula, Kartik
    ArXiv 2020
  2. NeurIPS
    NeurIPS 2020 NLC2CMD Competition: Translating Natural Language to Bash Commands
    Agarwal, Mayank, Chakraborti, Tathagata, Fu, Quchen, Gros, David, Lin, Xi Victoria, Maene, Jaron, Talamadupula, Kartik, Teng, Zhongwei, and White, Jules
    ArXiv 2020